AMTEK Auto Company :-
Since from Last three
years (2013) to till today I am trading with Amtek Auto Group. It is given such a good returns to me. I think it is one of the most fastest growing
company in India. And if you are a
trader my suggestion is it will give you good returns to you in future
also. I want to tell you something about
Amtek Auto Company or Amtek Auto Group.

The Amtek Group,
headquartered in India, is one of the largest integrated component
manufacturers in India with a strong global presence. It has also become one of
the world’s largest global forging and integrated machining companies. The
Group has operations across Forging, Iron and Aluminium Casting, Machining and
Sub-Assemblies. It has world-class facilities across India, UK, Germany,
Brazil, Italy, Mexico, Hungary and US. The Amtek Group is comprised of
corporate entities Amtek Auto, JMT Auto, Amtek Global Technologies and other
subsidiaries and associates. With the infrastructure and technology platform
developed over 25 years, the Group is well positioned in the Indian Auto and
Non-Auto component markets.
Amtek auto
Address : Plot No. 16,
Industrial Estate, Rozka-Meo (Sohna) Dist.Mewat
State Haryana Tel. No. 0124-2362140
Fax No.0124-662454 Web Site
Amtek Auto (NSE: AMTEKAUTO, BSE: 520077) is
headquartered in New Delhi and is one of the largest integrated automotive
component manufacturers in India with a strong global presence. The Company has
world class facilities in India, Europe and North America. Amtek Auto has
significant expertise in forging, grey and ductile iron casting, gravity and
high-pressure aluminum die casting and machining and sub-assembly. The Company
also manufactures components for non-auto sectors such as the railways,
specialty vehicles, aerospace, agricultural and heavy earth moving equipment’s also.
The objective of Amtek Auto Investor
Relations is to ensure continuous and open communication with all financial
market participants.
Grievances Redressal email:
SECRETARY is Mr. Rajeev Raj Kumar email:
TRANSFER AGENT is M/S Beetal Financial & Computer Services Pvt. Ltd.,
:: Beetal House 3rd Floor, 99, Madangir, email: Behind
L.S.C, New Delhi-110062 Tel.: (+91) 11-2996 1281-82 Fax: (+91) 11-2996 1284
Company have 7 Committee they are
Finance Committee
Risk Management Committee
compliance to the amended Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, the Board of
Directors has constituted the following committees of the Board. The Board
determines the terms of reference of the Board Committees from time to time.
The respective Committee Chairman convenes meetings of the Board Committees.
Minutes of the Committee meetings are placed before the Board for perusal and
noting. The quorum for meetings of all the Committees is either two members or
one-third of the members of the Committees, whichever is higher. Each committee
has the authority to engage outside experts, advisers and counsel to the extent
it considers appropriate to assist it in its work.
The role of the Audit Committee has been
strengthened and all major changes in financial policies are reviewed or
approved by this CommittEe.
INDEPENDENT AUDIT COMMITTEE The Audit Committee comprises of three directors.
All the members of the Committee viz.
Mr. B. Lugani (Chairman), Mr. Rajeev Kumar Thakur and Mr. Sanjay Chhabra are
independent and non executives. The Company Secretary acts as the Secretary
of the Audit Committee. The constitution of the Audit Committee meets the
requirement of Section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing
Agreement. The power and role of the Audit Committee is as per the guidelines
set out in the Listing Agreement and as prescribed under Section 177 of the
Companies Act, 2013.
COMMITTEE The Audit Committee shall have powers, which should include the
following: To investigate any activity
within its terms of reference. To seek information from any employee To obtain outside legal or other professional
advice. To secure attendance of outsiders with
relevant expertise, if it considers necessary.
The role of Audit Committee shall include the following (including the terms of
reference): Oversight of the Company’s
financial reporting process and the disclosure of its financial information to ensure that
the financial statement is correct, sufficient and credible; Reviewing with the management, the quarterly
financial statements before submission to the Board for approval; Reviewing with the management, the statement
of uses/ application of funds raised through an issue (public issue, rights issue,
preferential issue, etc.), the statement of funds utilized for purposes other
than those stated in the offer document/prospectus/notice, and the report
submitted by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilization of proceeds of a
public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations to the Board to
take up steps in this matter; Reviewing
and monitoring the auditors independence and performance and effectiveness of audit process. Recommendation for appointment, remuneration
and terms of appointment of Auditors of the Company. Approval and any subsequent modification or
transaction of Company with Related Parties. Scrutiny of Inter Corporate Loan & investment. Valuation of Undertaking or Assets of the
Company , wherever its necessary
AUDIT COMMITTEE The Audit Committee shall mandatorily review the following
information: Management discussion and
analysis of financial condition and results of operations; Statement of significant Related Party
Transactions (as defined by the Audit Committee), submitted by management; Management letters / letters of internal
control weaknesses issued by the statutory auditors; Internal audit reports relating to internal
control weaknesses; and The appointment, removal and terms of
remuneration of the Chief internal auditor shall be subject to review by the
Audit Committee.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee (HRNR Committee) of the Company is
constituted in line with the provisions of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreements
entered into with the stock exchanges read with Section 178 of the Act,
comprising three non executive and independent directors viz. Mr. Sanjay
Chhabra (Chairman), Mr. Rajeev Kumar Thakur and Mr. B. Lugani.
The Company’s remuneration policy is directed towards rewarding performance,
based on review of achievements on a periodical basis. The remuneration policy
is in consonance with the existing industry practice. The remuneration of the
Vice Chairman cum Managing Director, Managing Director, Key Managerial
Personnel and Senior Management Personnel’s of the Company is reviewed and
recommended by Committee, based on criteria such as industry benchmarks, the
Company’s performance visa-vis the industry, responsibilities shouldered,
performance/track record, macro-economic review on remuneration packages of
heads of other organizations. The Company pays remuneration by way of salary,
perquisites and allowances (fixed component), incentive remuneration. Annual
increments are decided by the Remuneration Committee within the salary scale
approved by the Members. A sitting fee of Rs. 20,000/- for attendance at each
meeting of the Board meeting was paid to all the Independent & Nominee
Directors for the meeting held on 24th November, 2014 and afterwards, the
sitting fee was increased to Rs.50,000/-. The sitting fees paid/payable to the
non Whole-time directors is excluded whilst calculating the limits of
remuneration in accordance with Section 197 of the Act. The Company also
reimburses out-of-pocket expenses to Directors attending meetings held at a
city other than the one in which the Directors reside. Remuneration of
employees largely consists of basic remuneration, perquisites, allowances and
performance incentives. The components of the total remuneration vary for
different employee grades and are governed by industry patterns, qualifications
and experience of the employee, responsibilities handled by them, their
individual performances, etc. The annual variable pay of senior managers is
linked to the Company’s performance in general and their individual performance
for the relevant year is measured against specific major performance areas
which are closely aligned to the Company’s objectives. The Company does not
have any Employee Stock Option Scheme.
Stakeholders Relationship Committee comprises of three directors under the
Chairmanship of Mr. Rajeev Kumar Thakur. The other members in the committee
being, Mr. Sanjay Chhabra and Mr. Bahushrut Lugani. The Board has constituted
Stakeholders Relationship Committee in accordance with the provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013 and Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement. The terms of
reference of Shareholders’ / Investors’ Grievance (SIG) Committee was conferred
on the Stakeholders Relationship Committee. The Company has also adopted code
of internal procedures and conduct for prevention of insider trading in the
shares of the Company, pursuant to Securities & Exchange Board of India
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992, as amended. The Board has
designated Company Secretary as the Compliance Officer for this purpose and has
authorized this committee to monitor the compliance as required under the
aforesaid Regulation. Terms of Reference of the Committee, inter alia, includes
the following:
Oversee and review all
matters connected with the transfer of the Company’s securities
Monitor redressal of investors’ /
shareholders’ / security holders’ grievances
Oversee the performance of the Company’s
Registrars and Transfer Agents
Recommend methods to upgrade the standard of
services to investors Monitor implementation of the Company’s Code
of Conduct for Prohibition of Insider Trading
Carry out any other function as is referred
by the Board from time to time or enforced by any
statutory notification/amendment or
modification as may be applicable.
Company proactively reviews its governance practices and standards inter alia
considering best practices and regulatory developments. During the year under
review, the following significant developments took place on the governance
front:- Constitution of ‘Corporate Social Responsibility Committee’:
Considering the work being done by the Company on social front, the Company’s
Board has constituted a ‘Corporate Social Responsibility Committee’ (CSR
Committee). CSR Committee is primarily responsible for formulating and
monitoring the implementation of the framework of corporate social
responsibility policy, other policies under Business Responsibility Policy
Manual and to look into sustainability matters and matters related to overall
governance. The members of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee are Mr.
Rajiv Kumar Thakur, the Chairman, Mr. D.S Malik and Mr. Gautam Malhotra. Terms
of Reference of the Committee, inter alia, includes the following: To formulate and recommend to the Board, a
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy indicating activities to be undertaken by the Company in compliance with
provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules made there under; To recommend the amount of expenditure to be
incurred on the CSR activities; To monitor the implementation of the
framework of the CSR Policy; To oversee the implementation of polices.
Board of Directors has constituted Finance Committee comprising of Mr. Arvind
Dham (Chairman) , Mr. John Ernest Flintham, Mr. D.S Malik and Mr. Gautam
Malhotra and Mr. B. Lugani. During the period, the committee met four times.
Terms of Reference of the Committee, inter alia, includes the following: Review the Company’s financial policies, risk
assessment and minimization procedures, strategies and capital structure, working capital and cash flow management, and
make such reports and recommendations to the Board with respect thereto, as it
may deem advisable ; Review banking
arrangements and cash management; Exercise all powers to borrow money
(otherwise than by issue of debentures) within limits approved by the Board, and
take necessary actions connected therewith, including refinancing for
optimization of borrowing costs ; Give
guarantees/issue letters of comfort/providing securities within the limits approved
by the Board ; Borrow money by way of loan
and/or issue and allot bonds/notes denominated in one or more foreign currencies in
international markets for the purpose of refinancing the existing debt, capital
expenditure, general corporate purposes, including working capital requirements
and possible strategic investments within limits approved by the Board ; Carry out any other function as is mandated
by the Board from time to time and/or enforced by any statutory notification, amendment or
modification as may be applicable ; Other transactions or financial issues that
the Board may desire to have them reviewed by the Finance Committee ; Delegate authorities from time to time to the
executives/ authorised persons to implement the Committee’s decisions ; Review regularly and make recommendations
about changes to the charter of the Committee .
per the requirement of Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act, 2013, Company has
duly constituted Sexual Harassment Committee, comprising of the following
1. Ms. Anuradha Kapur - The Presiding Officer
2. Mr. Vinod Kr. Uppal
- Finance Department
3. Mr. Rajesh Soni - HR Department
4. Ms. Sonal Choudhary
- HR Department
Company is totally committed in providing an environment that
is free from discrimination and harassment. We recognize the rights of our
employees and provide forums, support groups and policies to hear and address
their issues, concerns and resolve them in a fair and transparent manner. Our
Sexual Harassment Committee members helps employees express their grievances
and address them in a fair and objective manner. The cases are patiently heard
and resolved by a unbiased group. We have a whistle blower policy as well that
assures complete anonymity and confidentiality of information to the reporting
Board of Directors has constituted Risk Management Committee comprising of
following directors:-
1. Mr. Arvind Dham
2. Mr. Gautam Malhotra
3. Mr. John
Ernest Flintham
4. Mr. Rajeev Kumar Thakur
The purpose of the Committee is to
assist the board in fulfilling its Corporate Governance duties by overseeing
the responsibilities with regard to the identification, evaluation and
mitigation of operational, strategic and environmental risks. The Committee has
the overall responsibility of monitoring and approving the risk policies and
associated practices of the Company. The Risk Management Committee is also
responsible for reviewing and approving the risk disclosure statements in any
public documents or disclosure.
Amtek Auto Company Mission
“To become a world class
engineering company in the Automotive and Non Automotive sector. This is to be
achieved by capitalizing on our superior technology base for the benefit of our
customers, suppliers and stakeholders.”
History of the company
It’s been a journey dotted with challenges and expectations.
Today, as we step back in time, we find, it was our contemporary business
modalities and futuristic approach that helped us grow with the time.
Amtek Auto Company Business in region
have business in Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Brazil, Germany, Italy & USA
Cold Forging Division
They have cold forging
divisions in Brazil, Germany countries.
Iron Casting Division
Iron Casting Division’s
in Germany and Rajasthan (India).
Aluminium Casting Division
They have Aluminium
Casting Divisions in Maharashtra (India), Germany and United Kingdom Countries.
Automotive Machining Division
Company have own
Automotive Machining Divisions in Brazil, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Mexico,
United Kingdom Countries and in India Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand,
Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu & Uttarakhand State.
Amtek Auto Company Have Joint Ventures Divisions
in Magna Powertrain, Canada in Machining Division and Sumitomo Metals, Japan in
Forging Division and Riken Corporation, Japan in Iron Casting and Dongling
Group in China for Iron Casting.
: from Web site : (as
per 2017)
Amtek Auto Company all over world Iron, Metals,
Aluminum business. I am 100% sure one
day this company shares will go very high because, if this share started to
move high position, in one day it will go upto 50% to 90%. So I believe on this company. Please study all details about company and
invest on this.