is located on the right bank of Krishna which is 18km from Raichur in Karnataka State , at present it is the only Shakti
Nagar is situated at as altitude of 350 meters above the sea level. The site at Shakti Nagar was selected for
Thermal project mainly because;
It is easily
approachable by both railways and roadways.
It is close
proximity to coal fields of Andhra Pradesh (Singareni)
The plant
receivers water from river Krishna
Large area was
Raichur Hyderabad State
highway runs adjacent to the power station.
RTPS is situated at a distance of 185 Km. from Hyderabad
and 415 Km. from Bangalore . RTPS is connected with broad gauge railway
line, which runs from Chennai to Mumbai and which lies in the zone of South
Central Railways.
Area acquired:
total area acquired by the Government of Karnataka for establishing this power
generation company is about 3802 acres of land from three villages like
Devasugur, Yedlapur and Karekal. It is a
purely state government owned enterprise.
Details of the land acquired as below
Sl. No.
occupied by power station
intended by for fly ash dumping
occupied by residential coling
for Rehabilitation programme
for Afarestation and labour colonies
Power Corporation Limited (KPCL) was established in the year 1970 and was
confined only to Hydro projects. As the
Hydel Projects are mainly depending on monsoon.
Due to sudden failure in monsoon and low rainfalls, forced think about
thermal power.
for power is increasing at faster rate due to fast growth of industries in the
state. The increasing demand for power
created the need for alternative source of power i.e., though thermal.
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited took in the project to construct a thermal
power station as an alternative source of generating power. Raichur was selected for the project to
initiate and was named as Raichur Thermal Power Station (RTPS).
1978 the foundation stone for RTPS was laid down by then the President of India
Sri.L.Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy actual work was started in 1980. RTPS has performed
excellent work performance and received many awards and certificates. It has been able to stabilize the quality of
output with reduction of excess expenditure.
has won cash awards and gold medals every from the Central Electricity
Authority Government of India for meritorious productivity since 1988. Today it is ranked among to Five Thermal
Power Stations in the country in terms of output and efficiency parameters. It
is a world class organisation with the capacity of 1470 MW. Now it is called Raichur Super Thermal Power
Objectives of the RTPS:
Improvement in
training and development.
Reliable and
quality supply.
Power supply at
minimum possible cost.
Vision of the RTPS:
Strive and
progressively work towards being global leaders in managing and developing
power in a truly global way.
To reach out to
all working power managers across the country through a power management and
developing movement, integrating their involvement and strengthening the
nation’s power sector by sharpening their competitive edge.
mission of KPCL is to maximize power generation by;
Identifying and
developing opportunities in power generation.
and operating power plants.
up-gradation of technical competence and systems developing human resource
capabilities and empowering them are ways to achieve these objectives.
KPCL seeks to
be a world class organisation emphasizing on efficiency, cost effectiveness and
harmony with the environment.
KPCL has rich experience in planning, investigation, design, execution and
effective operation of large power projects and a dedicated workforce of 8000
qualified, experienced and committee technocrats, administration and supporting
staff. It has set high standards in
operation and maintenance of Hydel and Thermal power and as well as in project management. It is confidently poised to meet the future
needs of the state. Through its consultancy it seeks to gain international
recognition in project abroad.
Quality Policy:
is committed to produce power economically, eco-friendly clean and safe
environment. We would strive for
pollution prevention and control and continual improvement by...
Complying with
legal and other requirements.
energy and water consumption.
Minimizing air
Reducing sand
recycling of effluents.
managing solid and hazardous wastes.
technical competence and systems.
among all the stake holders.
Area of
operation: National and Regional.
pattern: Government (Semi) of Karnataka
Information: NTPCL (National Thermal Power Corporation Limited) and others like
(Infosys Company).
has won many meritorious awards, gold medals and certificates from Government
of India.
RTPS has been
awarded for productivity at the National Level from Government of India.
award at the National Level and received cash prize.
Rs.8 lakhs for
achieving the highest Plant Load Factor [PLFJ of 66.30% in 1998.
Rs.l0 lakhs in
1989 for achieving Plant Load Factor [PLFJ of 72.78%
Rs.14 lakhs in
1990 for achieving Plant Load Factor [PLF] of 78.59% along with gold medal
RTPS has bagged
the National awards for the year 1994 for consuming least quantity of heavy
fuel Rs.8 lakhs.
The Govt. of
India has sanctioned prize of 6.10 lakhs to RTPS for minimum consumption of
The entire RTPS
has won the presidential Gold Medal for achieving Plant Loading Factor [PLFJ of
75% for 1995-96.
In this year
RT[S get the certificate of ISO — 14001.
Ever Annul Turnover of Rs. 24,382 millions in 2003-2004 with a pre-tax profit
of Rs. 2546 millions. EPS: Rs. 337 per share.
RTPS the generation of electricity is round the clock, that is 24 hours.
Because of the continue production to save the huge loss the corporation. The
following shift arrangement at RTPS [Continuous Chain Link]
First Shift
[Morning Shift] 6-00 AM to 2-00 PM
Second Shift
[Day Shift] 2-00 PM to 10-00 PM
Third Shift
[Evening Shift] 10-00 PM to 6-OOAM
with this three is also a General Shift which is 8-00 AM to 12-30 PM and 2-30
PM to 5- 3OPM and administrative, some other department work start from 9-00 AM
to 1-00 and 2-30 PM to 5:30 PM.
weekly holiday of shift employees, there is a spare shift batch, who will work
on behalf of the leave person, because of this system, it indicates that there
no gap on inspecting the machinery work for the generation of electricity.
charts are the outline diagram of lines of authority and responsibility and
distribution of function in the various sections of the Company. It is merely a
cross sectional picture of the organization.
shows graphically the structural relationship between the various departments
and positions in the enterprise. It is advisable even in small companies to
draw the organization charts, so that all persons may know how the various
duties and activities are assigned and can find out were they fit in the setup.
It also serves as valuable aid 13 introducing new men to the organization. The
organization loses its values unless; it is kept up to date.
is headed by Executive Director [Thermal] Assisted by 4 Chief Engineers, 10 Superintendent
Engineers, 60 Executive Engineers, 130 AEE’s [Assistant Executive Engineers],
200 AE’s [Assistant Engineers], 200 JE’s [Junior Engineers] as engineering
cadre Non – Engineering cadre like, Project Chemist 01, Divisional Chemist,
Group Chemist and Chemical Supervision in Chemical unit.
service department like Account unit DGM [F] T (Deputy General Manager in
Finance at Thermal), AGM [F] T (Assistant General Manager in Finance at
Thermal), AO (Account Officer), AAO (Assistant Account Officer),
personnel department SE [HRDJ T (Superintendent Engineer in HRD at Thermal),
DGM [HRM] T (Deputy General Manager in FIRM at Thermal), P0’s (Personnel
Officers), JPO’s (Junior Personnel Officers) and OM ’s
as non- Engineering cadre. Workmen consist of technical and non-technical
working strength of 400 from junior helpers to senior assistant in various
departments like security, hospitals, and schools.
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited Raichur Thermal Power Station
Organization chart of RTPS
Functional Areas (Divisions) In RTPS
is a main project of KPCL and compare to other project of KPCL it is large
one. The service (functional department)
department is:
HRD Department
Fuel Department
Coal Handling
Fire Force
Health and
Medical Department
Civil and
Electricity Department
Water Supply
Power Supply
Deputy General Manager [Finance]
thermal [DGM (F) T] is the head of the finance and account department of RTPS
project. At present, Sri. V. Thippe Swamy is holding the post of DGM [Finance]
Thermal of RTPS. He also one of the managerial staff of the management of KPCL.
He is responsible for the finance and account of RTPS. Getting the funds from
Head Office as per requirement and disperse to the concerned in order his
responsibility is to send the account for the fund receipt and payment made. He
is responsible person to make necessary arrangement to send monthly account to
Head Office. If Head Office requires any information, the same shall be
All Officers held to responsible to
the Deputy General Manager [Finance] Thermal and they should discharge the
duties according to the direction and memos issued by DGM [F] Thermal with
reference to the Head Office orders and circulars issued from time to time.
Functions of Finance and Accounts are delegated among divisional offices. His
responsibility is to extract the work through Account Officers. An Account
Officers is responsible to take out the work from the Asst. Accounts Officers
is also responsible Officers to the Account Officer. Asst. Account Officers is
the Head of the section. Under AAO, Sr. Asst. Accounts/Asst. Accounts do the
work entrusted by the officers.
Section 209 of the Companies Act 1956
makes it compulsory for companies to keep certain books of accounts. It is
compulsory for every limited company to prepare the following every year,
keeping in as per the norms of related Accounting Standards.
Profit and Loss Account.
Balance Sheet.
The Board of Directors will lay down
the following at every general meeting in pursuance of section 166.
1. Balance Sheet as at the end of the
Account Period.
2. Profit and Loss Account for that period.
Final account will be prepared for the
financial year as on 31st March of the every year, but it shall not
exceed to 18 months with special permission from Registrar of Companies,
whereas the Income Tax Authorities do not allow irregularity regarding the
accounting period. It is normally
prepared after 12 months except in the case of new companies where is period
may be lesser or more than 12 months.
In case of manufacturing company,
manufacturing account is prepared to ascertain the cost of production before
Trading and Profit and Loss Account and Profit Appropriation Account.
The Purchase department is responsible
for placing the purchase order for the material required with the supplier.
The staffs of this department consist
Executive Engineers
Assistant Engineers
Junior Engineers
Operation managers and 2 helpers
Engineers is the in charge of this department.
A package called IIMS i.e. Integrated
Inventory Management System has been installed since 3 years through which the
purchase department receives the purchase indent of various department dul:.
signed by their Executive Engineers.
The purchase process is carried out as
follow; firstly the various departments send their Purchase Indent (P1] to the
purchase department duly signed by their Executive Engineers. After receiving
the PT it is sent to the stores department for the stock clean. When there is
nil stock of material the purchase department prepares enquiry note and
comparative statement and a Purchase Order [P01 of the materials listed in the
purchase indent [P1].
Then the department places an order
with the suppliers, which may firm, or a proprietor. A dead line of 15 to 20
days or 4 weeks to 8 weeks is given within which the supplier has to supply the
material as per purchase order.
If the purchase indent (P1) of any
department is more than Rs. 5 Lakhs, it is sent to the screening committee
consist of Chief Engineers Civil, FM and O&M (Operation & Maintenance) After being
approved by the screening committee the purchase indent (P1) is sent to the
purchase department, which then places an order with the supplier. This department mainly deals with the
purchasing only those material, which are used for the maintenance of
plant. The supplier supplies the
required material to the stores department which are used for the maintenance
of plant. The supplier supplies the
required material to the stores department which sends/ issues a notification
to the concerned department stating that the orders have been received. The end used of the material prepares an
inspection report on the basis of which the stores department issues or sends
the Material Received Mote (MRN) to the Finance department. On the receipt of Material Received Note
(MRN) the Finance department makes the necessary payments of the supplier.
The term “STORES” is synonymous to
material I stores. It includes the following items such as plant and machine
wheels, furniture’s, fixtures, office equipment, explosive, spares parts,
hardware, and other tools, general mechanical spares, tires, tubes, batteries,
turbine spares, generators and its spares transformer and axillaries switch
gear and allied equipments, general electrical spares etc.
The general administration of all
stores is vested with the Executive Engineers. The concerns Chief Engineers
have full powers to fix annual the maximum and minimum level of stocks in the
various departments of the RTPS. The staff of this department is headed by a
Senior Executive [Stores and Purchase]. The Executive Engineer [Stores] is
incharge of Stores departments. Their 3 Asst. Executive Engineers working under
EE [stores] under each AEE there are Junior Engineers working under whom 8
Senior And Junior Assistants Work.
The Executive Engineer of the
indenting division sends a purchase indent duly signed. The stores department
after receiving the P1 the store department checks for clearance. If there is
nil stock of material, the P1 is send to the purchase department which then
places a purchase order with the suppliers. After receiving the purchase order,
the supplier’s supplies the material to the stores department along with legal
document like MRN, Invoice received, CR etc. After receiving the material the
store department sends an intimation slip to the indenting division stating
that the material has been received. Then the end-user of the division inspects
the received material and submits an Inspection Report [IR] to the stores
department. On receipts of inspection report the stores department prepares a
Material Receipt Note [MRN] in four set. Original in white, other three copies
in pink, orange and green, for each purchase order separate MRN will be
The MRN along with 1k, suppliers
invoice etc are sent to finance and account department receipt of MRN the
finance and account department should note first in the register of material
[stoc purchase register] MRN should be valued on the basis of rates has shown
in the purchased order and as confirmed by supplies invoice adding the amount
of sales tax other charges and the payment is made to the supplier.
The material from the stores
department are issued for the following purpose
For use on works directly
Issues to
contractors for use on works
Dispatch I
transfer to other division / departments
Sales of
material to the contractor employees or outsides.
All the issue of material from the
stores department is done only with the reference to indent signed by the
Executive Engineers or by Authorized Official not below the rank of Executive
Engineer of the material consuming department in the prescribed from in sector.
If the concerned department for use
draws the material, the concerned department submits the consumption statements
for the material drawn once in a week. The consumption of material is recorded
in the measurement book. After issuing the MRN, the materials are given to the
storekeeper for proper maintenance of store received, The stores department
identifies and clarifies the stores according to the nature, type and
specification etc. The storekeeper is responsible for the safe receipt, storage
and issue of store materials. He keeps in proper Bin, Racks and Almirahs etc,
at the proper paces. The storekeeper of store department makes necessary
entries in the bin card for all the material received, materials issued and
balance of material are also recorded.
Coal Handling Department
Handling Plant consists of two major divisions:
Coal Handling
Plant -1
Coal Handling
Plant -2
Each of these major systems has two
independent streams running form wagon tipplers to the bunkers one stacker
Coal Handling Plant-2 has got a raw
coal handling system for stacking wet coal since wet coal not pass crusher and
conveyor chutes.
Since coal handling Plant-1 is very
old and capacity is small this is being renovated to increase the capacity so
that coal rakes can be less time to reduce demurrages and feeling to all the
seven units can be taken from both the streams un interruptedly.
Loco Motives: Planning loading wagons towards in haul side of
tipplers and collection of empties from out haul side. Presently 3 or 4 locos
are in service out of 6 in numbers.
Wagon Tippler: Tippling coal from wagon to Apron Feeder /
Vibrating Feeder.
Side ARM / Beetle Charger: Pulling of loading wagon in the haul side and
planning on tippler table one by one and pushing of empty wagons to out haul
Apron Feeder / Vibrating Feeder: Feed regulation to the subsequent conveyor system.
Primary Crusher: Crushing of coal from 600 MM and separation of stone
and foreign material from the coal.
Roller Screen: Screening of [-25] coal before entering into
secondary crusher.
Secondary Crusher: Crushing of [-300] MM coal in CHP-l and [-150] MM
in coal CHP-2 to [-25] MM size to feed to bunkers.
Stacker Reclaimer: Stacking of excess coal in the crushed stake yards
and reclaiming when required feed to bunker.
Traveling Tipper: Feeding coal to bunker by traveling.
Conveyor System: The belt conveyor system conveys coal from wagon
tippler to bunker or stacker. In CHP-I total belt length is around 10KM and
CHP-2 it is about 14Km.
Magnets: These magnets installed in (he system remove metals
coming with the coal.
Dust Suppression, Dust Extraction and
Sprinklers: These systems minimize
the spreading of coat dust there by prevent Air pollution, Sprinklers provided
in crushed coal stake yard help in quenching of spontaneous coal fire.
Dozers: Dozers required for compacting the stacked coal
help to prevent air entry there by arresting are 6 dozers are in working
Railways at reception yard give rakes
received from different collieries. These rakes are placed to respective
tipplers by locos. Wagons are toppled one by one after making the placement
with the help of beetle Ann Charger. Size of the coal will be from 300 to 600
MM. This is crushed to 150MM in primary crusher and 25MM in secondary crusher.
After crushing the coal will be feed either to the bunker or staked in crushed
yards. If coal is very wet this will be staked in raw coal yard before crushing
empty wagons are handed over to railways after the coal rake tippling is
completed. Railways give a free time 6 hours from placement of a rake to
handling over empties which is called turn around time of rake. If this exceeds
6 hours demurrage will be charged by railways at the rate of Rs.1 per hour per
empty of the coal considered entire weight of the coal in the particular rake
Total track length in our marshalling
yards is about 36Kms
Since coal received is bigger size,
this will block the wagon tippler hoppers. These have to be clearly manually by
breaking. This causes lot of delay in the unloading of coal rakes.
is received from the following colliers.
SCCL: Coal is received mainly from the following sources.
WCL: Coal is received mainly from the following sources.
MCL: Coal is received mainly from TRLCHER
In addition to thee improved coal is
also being received. Since this coal is
having very high calorific value it presently blended coal is being fed to
unit-2 since 01.01.2002 and performance of this unit with blended coal is under
Coal received from different sources
are analyzed by taking sampling from the wagons before tippling for checking
Earlier indigenous coal received used to contain lot of boulders and
foreign materials. During the year 2002
fuel supply agreement were executed with WCL and SCCL, after the agreement
quality of coal received from these collieries is considerably improved.
Fly Ash disposal is a major
environmental concern in Thermal Power Stations. KPCL has taken several steps
to promote Fly Ash Utilization and marching towards achieving 100% Fly Ash
Utilization as per MOEF notification. Fly Ash is being issued free of cost to
SSI units and Cement Companies
Leading Cement manufactures in the
country have tied — up with KPCL for lifting Fly Ash to an extent about 2500
metric tones everyday. Besides several small scale industries, brick
manufacturing units are also utilizing about 300 metric tones per day. The
operation and maintenance of silos and issue of Fly Ash to users from 1 & 2
is completely handled by ACC Cement Company an unit 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 has been
entrusted to M/s ARV Cement society [ACC, Rajashree and Vasavadatha]. Such a
type of arrangements is unique in the country. Fly Ash utilization at RTPS is
rapidly increasing and the present utilization is 35% to 40% of the Ash
production. RTPS is one of the leading power plants in achieving higher
utilization of Fly Ash in the country.
KPCL is establishing a “Center for Fly
Ash Utilization Technology and Environment Conservation” at Raichur Thermal
Power Station in consultation with Central Power Research Institute as
consultant under the Indo-Norwegian Environment Programmed at a cost of Rs. 58
million. Value — addition to Fly Ash been given through the development of
construction material. This center will
demonstrate various process technologies for the manufacture of construction
material like bricks, hollow concrete blocks, mosaic tiles etc. in addition to
conducting training programmes to raise the awareness levels among
entrepreneurs, civil contractors, governmental and other agencies about the
potential benefits by using Fly Ash in building material. The Center would lead
to Fly Ash utilization through introduction of better Ash Management
Techniques, thereby bringing environmental and socio- economic benefits to
Raichur neighboring districts.
Starting from an installed capacity of
746 MW during its inception, KPCL has taken gigantic strides to achieve an
installed capacity of 4640.50MW. Behind this phenomenal achievement are
pioneering efforts of KPCL to intimate new projects even while expanding,
renovating and modernizing existing plants.
Today, KPCL owns and operates 3ldams
and 18 power houses of varying size ranging from 0.35 MW to 1470 MW, which
includes a Thermal Power Station consisting of seven units of2lO MW Each.
At RTPS is a good infrastructure
facility for In - House Training. The organization has a well- equipped
auditorium with all modern facilities like OHP, Live Projector, and Television
etc. to conduct training program.
Guest lecture are arranged regularly
on various topics ranging from operation and maintenance of the units to
leadership and motivation program.
The organization has a regular system
for keeping itself informed about the problems of the work organization and in
the In — House Training is conducted on every Tuesday on the topics pertaining
to solving problems of work situation, employee’s requirement of the work,
operation and maintenance of the units, safety program etc.
The employees are divided into 4
batches as per general shift, morning shift, afternoon shift, night shift, and
every week batches are rotated from one shift to another. Normally the general
shift batch, which free on the every Tuesday, is caught hold for the training.
Each batch contains 60 employees. Annually all the essential employees will
receive training on every department of the plant such as generator section,
boiler, ash handling, safety etc.
The training department asks the
employees who are experts in fields to conduct training in their related
fields. Also employee who voluntarily wants it conduct training in their
respective fields can do the same by registering their names at the training
department. The trainers are paid 300/- per session as remuneration.
Every Tuesday the training session
from 9-30 AM and will proceed till 12-30 Noon, 75% of the training sessions are
in the form of lectures, 15% use of audio-visual aid and 10% includes
presentation, group discussions and project case studies. The training sessions
provides opportunity for the participants to present their problems in the
program. Most of the training programs are centered on the trainees.
It is found that in order to get the
participants involved in the training session, the trainers use to ask
questions. Probe the participant’s mind to get the general reactions opinions
are asked on certain issues and background material is distributed.
Every employee has to sign the
register maintained for training, which is used for record purpose. But it is
found that on an average only 60% of the employees attended the training
sessions. The main reasons for their absence is,
The employee
from a particular section on which the training is conducted will not attend it
as they are working in the same section and already had the knowledge about it
The workmen
cadres employees will not attend the training sessions due to the language
barrier, as most of the sessions are in English.
When asked the trainees, do they feel
have something to gain by this type of training?
35 persons [70%J
said, to some extent they will gain by this type of training.
10 persons
[20%] said, they are doubtful.
5 persons [10%]
said, to great extent.
The common complaint of the participants
is that the trainers lectures too much
The organization has taken a right
step by organizing these types of training program and to some extent it helps
the employees to acquire knowledge about, different section of the plant.
The organization is not taking any
measures for follow up action after the participants are trained and there is
very fewer chance of transferability of training to the work situation as there
is no provision of job rotation from one section / department to another,
unless there is some emergency.
For external training, the candidates
have been selected by the management through the sending notices to the
officers of the concerned departments to suggest the names of the suitable
candidates for the training purpose. The duration of external training may
range from a day up to a period of 6 months depending on the requirements.
Several training packages, which come
with the installation of the machines during construction, are given at their
respective stations; the BHEL, GAMMON INDIA
LTD, and Mitsubishi Company from Japan already provide such training
Some of the regular out-stations where
employees are sent for TATA Institute of Personal Management, National
Institute of Personal Management [NIPMj in New Delhi, National Thermal Power
Corporation [NTPC] govt. of India ,
Simulator training at Kobra Thermal Power Station [Maharashtra ],
Nayvelli Thermal Power Station [Tamilnadu] etc. The employees are also sent for
training program the candidates have to submit a report on the same within a
There are complaints from some
employees that the right person is not selected and influence / politics plays
an important role in the selection of the candidates for sophisticated and
abroad training.
All the newly appointed KPCL employees
has to undergo 3 months training. one month in Hydel project and 2 months at
RTPS to know the working of each department.
RTPS has a scheme of training the kith
and kin’s of the project-affected families.
These persons were given training in Diploma and ITI courses. Under this scheme 152 candidates so far. Then apprentice training was given to them at
RTPS an later they are absorbed in the organization.
Every year In-Plant Training facility
is provided for students from various Manage-courses At present 21 BBA from
various institutions, 15 students of MBA and 30 B.E Students are doing their In-Plant
Training at RTPS. Also there is a
provision for RTPS to provide apprentice training period of 10 months. The organization provides boarding facility to
them based on the vacancy and remuneration of Rs.1200/- per month is also given
for trainees. These trainees are given on the job training in their concerned
departments. Presently there are 60 apprentice trainees from ITT carrying out
their training at RTPS.
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