India is a Second worlds biggest Democracy country, Karnataka one of the fastest growing state in India. Bangalore City is a Karnataka's Capital city and it is known as a Silicon city (Green City). In Karnataka State Gulbarga City is a small city. In Gulbarga we have lot of tourist places. We have one person in city he fighted every time to improve our home first then city and then state. He fighted for Air Port, High Court, Education Society's, Poor People's, SC/ST's improvement, and he is every time 24 hours ready to help each and every one person. That is Mr.Dharmsingh Hon'ble Ex.Chief Minister of the Karnataka. I will proud myself for introducing the Hon'ble Ex.C.M. Mr.Dharmsingh Life style's, family and history's.
Sri.Dharmasingh, Hon'ble Ex.C.M. is borned in 25th December, 1936 in Nelogi Village, Taluka Jewargi, District Gulbarga. His Father name is Sri Thakur Narayansingh and Mr.Dharmasingh Ex.C.M. is belongs to be a Sri Rana Pratapsingh's Family. Up to SSLC he was studied in Urdu medium and his clasmates are Sri Alamprabhu Patil, Party President of Gulbarga District and Sri Basavaraj Patil they studied from 4th standard. When he was studying have so many problems in his family like money, residence and others so Mr.Dharmsingh is stoped his further education. Then his all frieds like Basavaraj Okali, Karnappa Margol, Chandrashekar Patil's son Subhashchandra Patil, Gopal Malu & Satya Narayan and so many friends are suported to him for further education. In the all friends support he is completed Intermediat and degree in Arts, Bachulor of Arts (B.A.) in Hindi Language in Usmaniya University, Hyderabad. When he was studing the B.A. that time one of big problem he is faced that is residential problem, that time supported him for residential and Lived in Virshaiva Vidyavardhak Sangh Hostel and completed his B.A. in Usmaniya University, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh). After Completion of his degree he is come back to Gulbarga and without time waisting he is started one education society in 27-5-1957, that is named as Dayanand Hindi Vidyalaya, and self he is teaching the Hindi subject & he is the president of that society and 2000-2001 he is started another one school that is Aryan English Medium, High School, in Gulbarga the School President is Smt.Prabhavati Dharmasingh.
Mr.Dharmasingh in 1960 decided to study the further education and Mr.Dharmsing wants to be a complete atleast his P.hd. but some financialy problems he is completed the M.A., and LLB (Bachulor of Legal Law) and returned to Gulbarga, and leaved his Techaning Profession and entered in Lawyer's (Advocate's) field and served the long time in courts, then he decided to enter in Indian Politics.
"Apana Jamana App Banate Hai Ahledil, Ham Oh Nahi Jinko Jamana Banayega".
Mr.Dharmasingh is Married to Smt.Prabhavatibai from village of Vairag in Maharashtra State. He is married in 1967 at Anant Mission Temple, Katagarpura Shahabazar, Gulbarga. After marriage As well as his wife also supported so many Political Activities like Party Campaning, Satyagraha, Rail & Rasta roko and many more activities.
When Sri Dharmasingh is entered in politics 1970's and he is elected to Lok Sabha in 1972. That time Sri Gangadhar Namoshi is a MLA in Gulbarga, he have very much publicity in politics, that time party symbol is a BELL and party is entered his 5 members in election, only 1 member is win in election that is Sri.Dharmasingh. That time his name as a Lucky Dharmasingh, from that day to still now his victory is going on & right now elected as a Member of Parliament from Bidar District.
Mr Dharmasingh has been told one word to me, from that I am very impressed, that word is "Degreeyonse Unche, Ohadonse na Karobar se, Adami Pahachana Jata hai Fakat Kirdaron se" it means "Man will not identified from his name fame or degree's or his posts or his business, He will identify only from his works, what he is doned".
Sons & Doughter :
Sri Dharmasingh have Two Sons and one Doughter, Sri Dharmasing's First Son Borned when he was first time elected for Assembly from Jewargi, for that he named Sri Vijaysingh, right now he is working as a Civil Engineer, and Second son is Sri Ajay Sing borned in 1983 in that time his father Mr Dharmasingh asked to him what do you want to do in your future. That time Sri Ajaysing seen in sky and told "I become a Doctor and Doctor can also serve the public service or help them". As per his words he is completed his M.B.B.S. study and right now he is helping the people as a doctor, he is opened on hospital that is 24 hours free to real needy people of the city, poor people's in "Accedent Relife Care" it's have a ambulance facility, imediate treatment in ambulance and it will drop to you where you want to go. It is working in Gulbarga, Jewargi, Hyderabad & Bangalore and helping the needy people's successfully.
It's all above means Mr.Dharamsingh Hon'ble Chief Minister and his hole family have one slogan that is in simple words "Simple Living, High Thinkings" and "Jeyo aur Jene do".
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