What is Internet?
Internet it is a networks based system. It is composed of many interconnected computer networks. Each network may link thousands of computers enabling them to share the all informations in one click. The internet has brought a transformation in many aspects of life. It is one of the biggest contributors in making the world into a global village. Use of internet has grown tremendously since it was introduced. It is mostly because of its flexibility. Now a days any one can access the internet easily. Internet Protocol Suite and Internet Protocols it serve billions of daily users in entire worldwide.
In out of 100, minimum 90 peoples have a computers in their homes but even the ones who don’t have, they can always go to cyber cafes, internet browsing center’s where this service is provided.
How does work the Internet?
The Internet's growth has become explosive and it seems impossible to escape the bombardment of www.com's seen constantly on all television channels, heard on radio’s and seen in all daily magazines. Because the Internet has become such a large part of our lives.
Who are the users?
It is work a network of networks that consists of millions of private company’s, public’s, academic, business, democracy, education, universities, hospital, police and all government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad area of electronic and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail.
What is the benefits?
From Inter

Online Shopping's and easy Bay :
The world of online shopping has become very sophisticated, and quite safe. While the possibilities of getting scammed online still do exist, the risk is no greater than going to the local store and getting your credit card number stolen there. Here is an introduction to the vast world of online shopping. In 15th century if you are a very busy person, if want any home or any type items you will go to shop and see the design and carry the lots of money for pay that one item. But in 20th century no need to go any where just click internet and search the item which one you want and see the design’s, select it and pay your money via credit/debit cards then it will be deliver in 24 hours to your door as per your choice, and no need to carry lots of money.
The internet has brought new opportunities to all government sector’s like department informations, employee informations, there salary informations, project informations, what is your complaint status informations and many more, it is helping to business also, like daily stock exchange, daily market watch, all company profile with new deals, with new projects, with company quality to manufacture, product details, with contents, colour and delivery details and most important in education section because it is helping to find any book from world wide in just one click and which college / university courses are newly added and where is seats available or not, your current results, old and helpful question papers for all exames, and many more to help for study. Governments use it for various processes such as distribution of information and internal communication, new job applications, RTI informations, all departmental scheme details, staff details etc.,. Mainly Businesses use it to sell and buy products online and also to interact with other businesses. New business opportunities have sprouted because of the internet. Job opportunities to newly educated people, Tax Refunds, Paying Housing, shop or other taxes. Through internet we are connected with our villages also. Internet through our complete army contact and army operations, army commands done by internet, mobile services sum telephone lines are also depends on internet.
Who is the developed the internet ?
The internet developed from software called the ARPANET which the United States military had been developed the internet. It was only restrict to military personnel and the people who developed it. Only after it was privatized was it allowed to be used commercially also.
The internet has developed to give many benefits to mankind. The access to information being one of the most important. Student can now have access to libraries around the world. Some charge a fee but most provide free services in internet. Before students had to spend hours and hours in the libraries to search a book but now at the one click students have a huge database in front of them for study with note’s, questions with answers. It is providing lots of computer, internet and mobile games, entertainment’s like music, video’s and movies, health tips like tablets, operation methods, tablet manufacturer details and many more. In 21st century in Hospitals they are using online operation theaters with guidance of abroad doctors.
Internet is converted one of the main part and the most important part of our lives and in future one time will come we cant live without the internet. It is helpful to all age peoples to get and increase a knowledge or reduce our work or reduce our distances. You will access in one click in entire world wide and possible to see what is going on in world/country/state/city and where. Internet is very helpful to education, business and new job opportunities.
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