Installation ceremony is decided in 25th January-2009 at Bhavsar Bhavan, Sri Yallama Temple, Tank Bund Road, Gulbarga. And the year 2009 Theme is Born to Lead. More than 300 bhavsar bandhu and bhaginies are attended on this installation ceremony.
Collaring to the BVI-2009 President Sri Milind P.Telkar by Sri.Narayanrao B.Tatuskar, Founder of Bhavsar Vision India. After the installation ceremony Sri Narayanrao B.Tatuskar addressed to all of us and wish the all elected Bhavsar Vision India 2009 team. After the installation ceremony Launch has been arranged to all the bhavsar bandhu and bhaginies.
New members are added in this installation ceremony 12 members are newly inducted on this installation ceremony. and Club Bulletin has been released by T.G.Sridhar Rao.
The Installation Ceremony of B.V.I., Gulbarga New team for the year – 2009 took place on dt.25-01-2009 at Bhavsar Bhavan, Sri Yellamma Temple, Tank Bund Road, Gulbarga.
Sri Narayanrao B.Tatuskarji, Foundr BVI & President ABBK Mahasabha was kind enough to install Sri Milind P. Telkar as president and his team of office bearers for the year 2009.
Sri T.G. Sridharrao, President, ABBK Mahasabha Karnataka Branch and Smt. Jayashree N.Tatuskar General Secretary, Mahila Mandal, ABBK Mahasabha were the chief guest.
Sri Raju B.Jawalkar, Charter Governer, BVI & President Bhavsar Kshatriya Samaj – Pamdi Phand, Gulbarga was the induction officer.
The Installation ceremony was attended by more than 300 Bhavsar Bandu’s and Bhagini’s and was a grand success.
12 New members were inducted to the BVI family on the occasion.
First Board Meeting date 01st January,2009, at Bhavsar Bhavan, Sri Yellamma Temple, Tank Bund Road, Gulbarga.
Agenda of the Meeting :-
Submission of 2008 Account Settlement.
Handing over the charge to the new incoming President.
Date of Installation to be made for 2009.
Invitation for Chief Guest for the Installation.
Other matters with the permission of the President.
Outgoing President Sri Anant D.Chinchure have been welcome to all the member’s of BOD. And given the detail activities done in the 2008 in the meeting.
Sri Anant D.Chinchure has been given detail 2008 report to all the Board of Director’s.
Detail Report of account, receipts & payments read by the Sri Sachin P.Hanchate in the meeting & it has been approved by all the member’s.
Handed over the charge to the Incoming President with all the necessary documents and handed over Account details to the Sri Satish Telkar, Treasurer for 2009.
Date of Installation will be decided after the meet with the Charter Governer Sri Raju Jawalkar for the consent and fixed tentatively 18th January, 2009 may be finelised for installation date.
Installation of 2009 may done Sri.K.G.Tikare, Sri Raju Jawalkar, Sri Ramesh Navale’s consent for the Installation decided later on installation chief guest.
New membership shall be made as possible for Bhavsar Vision India.
Sri Ramchandra Basutkar has given various activities to be made in 2009 regarding Health Camp, Rangoli competition etc., details he is submitted to the incoming president of 2009.
Finally the Newly elected Secretary Sri Giriraj V.Jawalkar made the vote of thanks for the meeting and adjourned the meeting.
Second Board Meeting date 08st January,2009, at Bhavsar Bhavan, Sri Yellamma Temple, Tank Bund Road, Gulbarga.
Agenda of the Meeting :-
Fixing the date of Installation BVI., Gulbarga for 2009.
Discussion the Chief Guest for Installation.
Celebration of Makar Sankranti Festival. Jointly with Bhavsar Kshatriya Samaj Pamdi Phand’s Mahila Mandal on dt.14-1-2009 at Bhavsar Bhavan, Gulbarga.
All the Bhavsar Vision India members are accepted unanimously installation to be done on 25th January, 2009 evening 6.00 PM.
Chief Guest to be for Installation is Founder of Bhavsar Vision India’s Sri Narayanrao B.Tatuskar, Sri.Damodar & Sri.K.G.Tikare.
Bank Account shall be opened newly by the Treasurer.

Sri.Krishna Ghanate interested in new project of Saree’s & Blanket’s distribution.
BVI, Gulbarga & BKS-PPMM, Jointly Organised
Makar Sankranti Festival.
1st Project undertaken by B.V.I., Gulbarga on dt.14-1-2009 under the chairmanship of women welfare director Smt.Rajeshwari P.Telkar BVI, Gulbarga & Smt.Suman L.Jawalkar, President Bhavsar Kshatriya Samaj-Pamdi Phand’s, Mahila Mandal, Gulbarga. Had organised a gathering jointly on the auspicious day of Makar Sankranti, the Chief Guest of the Function was Sri.Raju B.Jawalkar, Charter Governor of Bhavsar Vision India and Chairman Sri.Yellamma Temple Trust, Gulbarga. The Function was well attended by Bhavsar Bandhus & Bhaginis and members of the Bhavsar Vision India, Gulbarga. Makar Sankranti was celebrated with much joy and exchange of pleasantries with each other. The event was successful and well appreciated by Samaj Members.
Vote of thanks to the gathering has been given from Sri.Giriraj V.Jawalkar, Secreatry, Bhavsar Vision India, Gulbarga.
Third Board Meeting date 18st January,2009, at Bhavsar Bhavan, Sri Yellamma Temple, Tank Bund Road, Gulbarga.
Agenda of the Meeting :-
Membership Drive.
Releasing of Bulletin on dt.25-01-2009.
Invitation Card Finalisation.
Project for the month of February – 2009.
All the members decided to go membership drive. All members decided to give members to help Sri Mahesh Mahindrakar for publishing the bulletin along with articles.
Project for February month decided by all the members. That is consumer awareness (Jago Grahak Jago). Expected date on 8-2-2009.
2nd Project “Seminar On Personality Development” programme was conducted at Bhavsar
Bhavan, Sri. Yallamma Temple, Gulbarga on 25th January, 2009 morning at 11.00 AM. In Seminar More than 150 members of Bhavsar Samaj Bandu’s, Bhagini’s & Children’s were attended.
And the seminar was successfully conducted by Sri. Narayanrao B.Tatuskar, Founder of Bhavsar Vision India & Chief Guest Sri.Manilal Shah, Rotarian, Gulbarga.
“Personality Development” Training given by Founder of Bhavsar Vision India, Sri.Narayanrao B.Tatuskar.
In “Personality Development” Training Bhavsar Bandhu, Bhagini’s & Children’s were attended.
Seminar on “Personality Development” programme was conducted at Bhavsar Bhavan, Sri. Yellamma Temple, Gulbarga on 25th January, 2009 morning at 11.00 AM. Morethan 150 Members of Bhavsar Samaj attended the seminar and were benifited.
And the Seminar was successfully conducted by Sri. Narayanrao B.Tatuskar, Founder of Bhavsar Vision India.
Installation ceremony is decided in 25th January-2009 at Bhavsar Bhavan, Sri Yallama Temple, Tank Bund Road, Gulbarga. And the year 2009 Theme is Born to Lead. More than 300 bhavsar bandhu and bhaginies are attended on this installation ceremony.
Collaring to the BVI-2009 President Sri Milind P.Telkar by Sri.Narayanrao B.Tatuskar, Founder of Bhavsar Vision India. After the installation ceremony Sri Narayanrao B.Tatuskar addressed to all of us and wish the all elected Bhavsar Vision India 2009 team. After the installation ceremony Launch has been arranged to all the bhavsar bandhu and bhaginies.
New members are added in this installation ceremony 12 members are newly inducted on this installation ceremony. and Club Bulletin has been released by T.G.Sridhar Rao.
The Installation Ceremony of B.V.I., Gulbarga New team for the year – 2009 took place on dt.25-01-2009 at Bhavsar Bhavan, Sri Yellamma Temple, Tank Bund Road, Gulbarga.
Sri Narayanrao B.Tatuskarji, Foundr BVI & President ABBK Mahasabha was kind enough to install Sri Milind P. Telkar as president and his team of office bearers for the year 2009.
Sri T.G. Sridharrao, President, ABBK Mahasabha Karnataka Branch and Smt. Jayashree N.Tatuskar General Secretary, Mahila Mandal, ABBK Mahasabha were the chief guest.
Sri Raju B.Jawalkar, Charter Governer, BVI & President Bhavsar Kshatriya Samaj – Pamdi Phand, Gulbarga was the induction officer.
The Installation ceremony was attended by more than 300 Bhavsar Bandu’s and Bhagini’s and was a grand success.
12 New members were inducted to the BVI family on the occasion.
First Board Meeting date 01st January,2009, at Bhavsar Bhavan, Sri Yellamma Temple, Tank Bund Road, Gulbarga.
Agenda of the Meeting :-
Submission of 2008 Account Settlement.
Handing over the charge to the new incoming President.
Date of Installation to be made for 2009.
Invitation for Chief Guest for the Installation.
Other matters with the permission of the President.
Outgoing President Sri Anant D.Chinchure have been welcome to all the member’s of BOD. And given the detail activities done in the 2008 in the meeting.
Sri Anant D.Chinchure has been given detail 2008 report to all the Board of Director’s.
Detail Report of account, receipts & payments read by the Sri Sachin P.Hanchate in the meeting & it has been approved by all the member’s.
Handed over the charge to the Incoming President with all the necessary documents and handed over Account details to the Sri Satish Telkar, Treasurer for 2009.
Date of Installation will be decided after the meet with the Charter Governer Sri Raju Jawalkar for the consent and fixed tentatively 18th January, 2009 may be finelised for installation date.
Installation of 2009 may done Sri.K.G.Tikare, Sri Raju Jawalkar, Sri Ramesh Navale’s consent for the Installation decided later on installation chief guest.
New membership shall be made as possible for Bhavsar Vision India.
Sri Ramchandra Basutkar has given various activities to be made in 2009 regarding Health Camp, Rangoli competition etc., details he is submitted to the incoming president of 2009.
Finally the Newly elected Secretary Sri Giriraj V.Jawalkar made the vote of thanks for the meeting and adjourned the meeting.
Second Board Meeting date 08st January,2009, at Bhavsar Bhavan, Sri Yellamma Temple, Tank Bund Road, Gulbarga.
Agenda of the Meeting :-
Fixing the date of Installation BVI., Gulbarga for 2009.
Discussion the Chief Guest for Installation.
Celebration of Makar Sankranti Festival. Jointly with Bhavsar Kshatriya Samaj Pamdi Phand’s Mahila Mandal on dt.14-1-2009 at Bhavsar Bhavan, Gulbarga.
All the Bhavsar Vision India members are accepted unanimously installation to be done on 25th January, 2009 evening 6.00 PM.
Chief Guest to be for Installation is Founder of Bhavsar Vision India’s Sri Narayanrao B.Tatuskar, Sri.Damodar & Sri.K.G.Tikare.
Bank Account shall be opened newly by the Treasurer.

Sri.Krishna Ghanate interested in new project of Saree’s & Blanket’s distribution.
BVI, Gulbarga & BKS-PPMM, Jointly Organised
Makar Sankranti Festival.
1st Project undertaken by B.V.I., Gulbarga on dt.14-1-2009 under the chairmanship of women welfare director Smt.Rajeshwari P.Telkar BVI, Gulbarga & Smt.Suman L.Jawalkar, President Bhavsar Kshatriya Samaj-Pamdi Phand’s, Mahila Mandal, Gulbarga. Had organised a gathering jointly on the auspicious day of Makar Sankranti, the Chief Guest of the Function was Sri.Raju B.Jawalkar, Charter Governor of Bhavsar Vision India and Chairman Sri.Yellamma Temple Trust, Gulbarga. The Function was well attended by Bhavsar Bandhus & Bhaginis and members of the Bhavsar Vision India, Gulbarga. Makar Sankranti was celebrated with much joy and exchange of pleasantries with each other. The event was successful and well appreciated by Samaj Members.
Vote of thanks to the gathering has been given from Sri.Giriraj V.Jawalkar, Secreatry, Bhavsar Vision India, Gulbarga.
Third Board Meeting date 18st January,2009, at Bhavsar Bhavan, Sri Yellamma Temple, Tank Bund Road, Gulbarga.
Agenda of the Meeting :-
Membership Drive.
Releasing of Bulletin on dt.25-01-2009.
Invitation Card Finalisation.
Project for the month of February – 2009.
All the members decided to go membership drive. All members decided to give members to help Sri Mahesh Mahindrakar for publishing the bulletin along with articles.
Project for February month decided by all the members. That is consumer awareness (Jago Grahak Jago). Expected date on 8-2-2009.
2nd Project “Seminar On Personality Development” programme was conducted at Bhavsar

And the seminar was successfully conducted by Sri. Narayanrao B.Tatuskar, Founder of Bhavsar Vision India & Chief Guest Sri.Manilal Shah, Rotarian, Gulbarga.
“Personality Development” Training given by Founder of Bhavsar Vision India, Sri.Narayanrao B.Tatuskar.
In “Personality Development” Training Bhavsar Bandhu, Bhagini’s & Children’s were attended.
Seminar on “Personality Development” programme was conducted at Bhavsar Bhavan, Sri. Yellamma Temple, Gulbarga on 25th January, 2009 morning at 11.00 AM. Morethan 150 Members of Bhavsar Samaj attended the seminar and were benifited.
And the Seminar was successfully conducted by Sri. Narayanrao B.Tatuskar, Founder of Bhavsar Vision India.
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