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Sunday, June 10, 2012


Introduction of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a science of life, which deals with Hita, Ahita, Sukha and Dukha types of ayus.  It is a science, which evaluated from the birth of universe.  It was advised by Brahma to maintain the health.  The aim of Ayurveda is to protect the health of health person and to irradicate the diseases of diseased.

For fulfilling this aim of ayurveda drug is used as an instrument.  It has obtained an important place in the trisutra.  In ancient period our acharyas mentioned as one of the form chatushapadas.  This drug contains four qualities like Bahudalpam, Samapannam and Yogyata.

Introduction to Dravya Guna Shastra
As we know the pharmacy is a part of medical science without which one cannot treat the disease pharmacy in ayurveda is termed as dravya guna shastra, which includes the drugs and their properties and actions with which they acts upon the diseases.  Hence, it is essential to know dravya guna shastra to treat the disease.

This dravya guna shastra includes the qualities actions and uses of various dry and drugs, which are dealt in the ancient grantha’s written by Charakacharya and Susrutacharya and Vagabhattacharya etc.  Hence such an important shastra which is mentioned in all the three “Brahtrayi” and which consist of all the essential matter about dravya which is vital for the purpose of treatment.

Importance of Dravya Guna Shastra
No man on the earth or any creative on is created useless hence everything which is Pancha bhoutika and which One this worth is useful which is created by god.  Hence, grantha’s related to human being is else useful, as the Shastra is so useful, it is necessary for a person to know in detail about the script, textual language and to understand the matter written in the text and to treat along.

Living organism on the earth uses various drugs in the way of food staff or in the way of medicine in the routine life with which Doshas Dhatu and Mala present in the living body deeps changing that is either they are aggravated or they get decreased.  Hence, to protect the severity of the disease caused due to the increased on doshas.  It is necessary to have the knowledge of the Dravyas which are opposite to that particular Doshas for subsiding the diseases.

Classification of Vitanah
Botanical Name          :        Mytragyna Parvifolia
Family                          :        RUBIACEAE
Kula                              :        Manjistha

Mytragyna Korth
·                     Shrubs or trees.
·                     Leaves:     Petialate, usually with transverse parallel nerves, stipules interpetiolar large caduceus.
·                     Flower:       Yellow coloured, crowded in globose auxiliary and terminal solitary panicled or subumbellate usually 2-bracteate heats; bracteoles paleaceous.
·                     Calyx:       Tube short, ovoid or abconic, limb copular or tubular truncate or obscurely 5-toothed.
·                     Corolla funnel: Shaped, tube long the throat glabrous or pilose; Lobes 5, short, valvate.
·                     Stamens:  5, on the throat or below the apex of the corolla-tube; filaments short, filiform;
·                     Anthers:   Ablong, apiculate, disk annular.
·                     Ovary:      2-celled; ovules numerous; on pendulous placentae, imbricate upwards;
·                     Style:        Long filiform
·                     Stigma:     Much exserted mitriform.
·                     Fruit:        2 dehicent cocci
·                     Seeds:      Seeds are many; testa winged, abbumenfleshy.

The genus is tonic and febrifuge.

Trees, shrubs or herbs, erect, prostate or climbing leaves opposite or whorled, entire, stipules various, interior intra-petialar, very rarely.  Flowers hermaphrodite, rarely unisexual, usually regular, the inflorescence various, calyx-tube adnate to the ovary, limb various.  Corolla regular, gamopetalous lobes 4-5 stames are many as the corolla-lobes, inserted on its mouth or tube.  Disk epigynous, usually annular or swollen, ovary 2-10 (usually 2-celled) Ovules 1 or more in each cell, style simple or cleft; stigmas various.

Fruit 2-10 called, a berry drupe or capsule or of separating cocci-genera 450.  Species 5,500-mostly tropical a number temperature and a few arctic.

Vernacular Names
English       :       Kaim
Hindi         :       Kayim, Kaddam, Kamgi, Kallam
Kannada    :       Kongu, Kadaga
Sanskrit     :       Vitanah
Tamil         :       Katamapai, Nirk Katampu, Sinnakka tampu.
Talgu         :       Nerkadamba, Batruga, Battaganapa
Punjab       :       Kalam, Kalkam, Kam, Keim
Mal           :       Vimpu, Nirkkatampu, Rosu Katampu


Distribution / Habitat:
Throughout India, in deciduous and evergreen forest upto 1,200m.

By Seeds and Vegetative method.

Part used:

Chemical Constituents
Chemical Constituents:
·                     Pyroligenous acid methyl acetate.
·                     Ketone
·                     Aldehydes methanol

Botanical Descriptions / Swaroop:
A medium sized to large deciduous tree with round crown and light grey smooth back, exfolicating in small scale.
·                     Leaves:     Simple, opposite, very variable, ellipitic sub or bicular or obovate, rounded, acute or bluntly acuminate glabrous on both side, main nevers 6-8 pairs stipules 13 by 5-8mm petioles 1-2cm.
·                     Flower:     Greenish yellow, fragrant, penduncles solitary terminal short, each carrying a globose head of flower 2-2.5 cm. in diameter calyx 2mm. Long funnel-shaped, limb truncate corolla 6.3-8mm long lube narrowly infundibuliform, glabrous, lobes 2.5mm long triangular ovate, acute, recurred.  Style white, much exerted, stigma mitriform.
·                     Fruits:      Oblong 13-16mm, capsules 3mm, with blunt rounded tops & 10 blunt ribs.

Properties and Uses
·                     The roots and bark are acrid, bitter stomachia and febrifuge and are useful in gastropathy, colic & fever.
·                     Leaves are bitter, sweet styptic vulnerary anti-inflammatory depurative & febrifuge.
        They are useful in vitiated condition of vata and kapha.
·                     Internal and External haemorrhage.
·                     Wounds.
·                     Colic
·                     Flatulence
·                     Dysepsia
·                     Inflammation
·                     Myalgia
·                     Skin diseases.
·                     Leprosy
·                     erysipelas
·                     Fever

Rasa Panchaka
Rasa         :       Katu ,Tikta
Guna        :       Laghu, Ruksa
Veerya      :       Anushnaseeta
Vipak         :       Madhur
Karma      :       Rakta pitta hara, Varna, Sulagna,
                        Jwarhara, Angamard hara, Visha,
                        Visarpa, Kustha etc.,
                        Leaves are mainly used as Sotha hara.

According to Bhavprakash:
In this nighantu he mentioned that it is a variety of Kadamba.

Dhanvantari nighantu, Rajnighantu and Adarsha nighantu had not mentioned anything about these drug.  But only the botanical name had been mentioned.


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