AN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Studying about the functioning of departments is one of the most critical jobs. Each department in the organization is inter-related and inter-dependent with other organizational departments. The departments in the units are inter-linked so intricately that if a department fails in achieving its objectives, the whole organization may also fail in achieving its objectives. The co-ordination, co-operation among the departments helps the organization in achieving its goals easily. But this is only possible when there is good communication, co-ordination & understanding between the employees of various departments. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Organization can reach to higher level or achieve its task only when the various departments’ employees work efficiently and effectively. The problem of the project is “How the various departments of FALCON PIPES, Gulbarga, carry on their operations?” INDUSTRY ANALYSIS M/s FALCON PIPES is located at Gulbarga, shed # D-10, Industrial Estate, M.S.K. Mills Main Road, Gulbarga – 585 102. The unit will manufacture all types of electrical conduit pipes, water pipes which are popular in the market. The unit will do all its b/s affairs & other marketing transaction under the above title & deed as deemed fit by the proprietor. The Company was started on 15th Dec. 1992, & Falcon pipes come into existence as Manufacturer of PVC Conduit & Water pipes. The have various varieties of products like the details are mentioned below: ¾” 19mm/1mm ¾” 19mm/1.2mm ¾” 19mm/1.5mm ¾” 19mm/1.8mm ¾” 19mm/2mm 1” 25mm/1mm 1” 25mm/1.2mm 1” 25mm/1.5mm 1” 25mm/1.8mm 1” 25mm/2mm And they manufacture mouldings like Junction Box, Bends & Couplings it available in to sizes are mentioned above as 19mm & 25mm. COMPANY PROFILE M/s Falcon Pipes located at D-10 Industrial Estate Gulbarga-2. The unit will manufacture all types of pipes, which are popular transaction under the above by the proprietor only. The proprietor has acquired D-types industry shed in MSK mill road industrial estate of KSSIDC limited Gulbarga, in the heart of the city. The location is very nearer to all infrastructure facilities. This unit is well provided with all basic facilities are as follows: - Power Connection from KPTCL / Industrial Estate. Water from KSSIDC Ltd., Industrial Estate Water Supply System. Cheap Labour manpower easily available. Post office, Telecom Centre for fax-telex & other local conveyance facilities etc. The proprietor has already invested in plant & Machinery wherever possible subject to full fledge function. He has purchased the land bearing No. D-10 in KSSDC Ltd., on ownership basis and for the interested to avail facilities and loan from bank of Baroda Gulbarga, who have kind enough to assist the unit & make it a grand success under there auspicious SSI priority sector schemes as per IDBI scheme & norms. PRODUCT PROFILE Plastic is one of the most dynamic & high potential industry sector in the world today. Through the application of the products derive plastic may be innumerable for the industry its practical application for common man have supposed all expectation. Today one cannot imagine day-to-day life without use of the plastic. It is well known that plastic pipes have been progressively conventional pipes such as G1, Castiron, Cement pipes for and uses. Among the various types of plastic pipes which are commonly used PVC pipes are mostly widely used all other materials mostly suspension type PVC are favoured for rigid PVC pipes extrusion. Normally resins having bulk density in the range from 500 to 560 gm/litre are employed for these applications. The modular weight of PVC pipes is defined by its K-value of the polymer selected usually in the range of 65-68 (when measured in 1% cydohexanone). The resin is mixed with certain additives used in the preparation of PVC pipes compound are stabilizers fillers, lubricants, pigments & processing aids. MANAGEMENT PROFILE Mohammed Abdul Hai : PROP. FALCON PIPES Mohammed Aamer Shakeeb : Managing Director Ifteqar Jeelani : Manager PLANT LOCATION M/s FALCON PIPES is located at Gulbarga, shed # D-10, Industrial Estate, M.S.K. Mills Main Road, Gulbarga – 585 102. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Organization structure is a basic framework with in which the manager’s decision-making behaviour takes place structure basically deals with relationship. It is an important scientific concept. All sciences try to discover the structural relationship in the phenomena is which they are interested. In a simple term structure is the pattern in which various parts or components are interrelated or interconnected. This organization structure is the pattern of relationship among various component or parts of organization. This prescribes the relationship among various activities & positions. Since these positions are held by various persons, the structure is the relationship among people in the organization. Design of basic structure induces such issues as how the work of the organization will be divided & assigned organization will be divided & assigned among various position, group, division department etc., and how the coordination necessary to accomplish total organization. Objectives will be achieved besides the formally established organization structure people create relationship independent of the formal relationships. Known as informal relationships or organization. Thus organization structure truly speaking is the totally of both & informal relationship. Operating mechanism or organization process, on the other hand includes such factors as control procedure and so on. These structural variables, both basic structure & operating mechanisms can be used to identify what is required of organizational objectives & encourage them to take collective activity. Organization structure refers to the different & intelfration of activities & authority, roles & relationships in the organization. Thus there are two considerations in organization design problem differentiation & integration. PRODUCTION TARGET The proprietor is interested and estimated to manufacture 350 kgs of pipes per shift i.e. 8 hours & 700 kgs of pipes in two shifts per day. The average monthly production would be 17.5 metric tonne only in 25 working days & 210 metric tonne per year on 300 working days. The production capacity of the plant estimated on 70% of the installed capacity i.e. 300 metric tonne per year. THE PRODUCTIONS LDPE, UNCIL, ICI, IPCL HDPE, PIL PP, IPCC PVC, CALICO, NOCIL, IPCL SRI RAM PRC, CHEM PLAST IPS, POLYCHEM, HINDUSTAN POLYMERS ABS, POLY, CHEM, SCL NYLON, GESFC, SRI RAM FIBERS QUALITY POLICY We at F.P. continue to firmly believe in providing the customer value for money, for years through our products. This we shall maintain & improve in our decision-making, quality & safety will be given as much consideration as productivity cost & delivery. Quality shall be built into every aspect of our work life & business operations. Quality improvements & customer satisfaction shall be the responsibility of every employee. BRAND PORTFOLIO Characteristic of PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) Pipes - Non-corrosion resistance. Low thermal conductivity. Light weight easy to handle. High electrical resistance. Low hydraulic resistance. High burst strength, excellent flow. Easy jointing. Easy maintenance & replacement. Low frictional losses. Smooth inner walls, no scale build up. Safe for portable water supply. Available in sizes from 15mm to 150mm as per Austration standard. Commonly supplied in 5.6mts. Lengths with solvent cement joint or with socket for rubber ring joint. QUALITY CONTROL & STANDARDS The following ISI specifications are available for PVC pipes. IS:2509- rigid PVC pipes IS: 4983 - 1968 plasticized PVC pipes IS:774 - 1971 water pipes Falcon pipes manufactures PVC conduits both medium & Heavy duty for the protection of cables in the electrical installations. Conduits are used in domestic applications; industrial applications are for power distribution cables. TRL manufactures wide range to cater domestic & export market. MARKET ANALYSIS The plastic processing industry in India has undergone a phenomenal change during the 90s with increased availability of several types of grades of various materials many vital applications which could not be promoted earlier due to non-availability of right grades in sufficient quantity started gaining momentum with this suitable machines for processing and post processing operations were imported & developed indigenously to cope with the increasing demand. There was a visible shift towards sophistication both in terms of machines usage & product development presently there are about 12,500 units with a market capacity to process 1.5 millions tons of different polymers. The demand for rigid conduct pipes too has gone up on an average sized house general needs about 1000 to 2000 ft of pipes for electrification. DEPARTMENTATION A department is a distinct area, division or a branch of an enterprise over which a manager has an authority for the performance of specified activities. The first real task in designing an organization structure is the identification of activities and to group them properly. The process of grouping the activities is commonly known as Departmentation. The terms used to demote the departments that results from Departmentation vary a great deal. In business organization such terms as division department & section are used in government these called branch, group, company etc. Moreover the terms used to designate departments may vary in different organizations of the same nature however the process of Departmentation will remain the same. The basic need for Departmentation arises because of specialization of work & the limitation on the no. of subordinates that can be directly controlled by a superior. Therefore, if there is no Departmentation there would be serious limitation and the size of the organization. Grouping of activities and consequently of personal into departments makes it possible to expand an organization to any extent, however, when departments are created to overcome this basic limitation, they serve a number of other functions leading towards the organizational efficiency DEPARTMENTS: As it requires maintaining the organization in a proper way, a proper assignment of work has to be done. And this is possible through departmentation. Here we can find five different departments carrying different types of work. Those are – Human Resource Development Department Purchase Department Production Department Marketing Department Finance Department HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT Personnel management is concerned with resources of the enterprises. Before we detained personal management. It is appropriate understand the meaning of the term ‘Personnel’. This term is used in the broadest sense as the human factor in the enterprise. It not merely restricted to the operative works. Personal management may be defined as that area of the management, which deals with planning, organizing directing and controlling the functions of procuring, developing & utilizing the work force in the enterprise. This department is concerned with employing people, developing their resources, utilizing skills, maintaining & compensating their services in turn with job and organization requirements. It consists of a Human resource development manager, four sanitation assistants, security, personnel, administration & maintenance sectors. PURCHASE DEPARTMENT: Purchasing is defined as that function of business undertaking which is responsible for the procurement of market supplies tools & implements machines & services required to produce certain goods & services. PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT: Production is the conversion of raw materials into final finished goods products with the help of certain processes. The main aim of any production system is to produce the designed goods & services effectively and efficiently. Manages complete production activity with the help of competent personnel under him to run all the activities under his guidance and supervision. Complete check at every stage on all the activities from storage of Raw Material till the finished goods are released to the stores. Complete production documentation. MARKETING DEPARTMENT: The term ‘marketing’ has been defined differently by different authors. However all the definition into the types viz, product orientation & consumer orientation. These two orientation come to be recognized because the manufacturing concern keep in mind either by the product of the consumer. FINANCE DEPARTMENT: Financial management involves management activities concerned with procurement & utilization of funds for business purposes the finance manager deals with planning, organizing directing & controlling financial activities of the enterprise.

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